What is Emerson’s Acre?

Emerson’s Acre is the sub one acre lot I live on in Irondale, Alabama.  Having decided not to wait until retirement to lead the life I want to lead, I began turning my property into a small suburban farm.  This blog is a chronicle of my efforts to employ the principles of self reliance so well stated by Ralph Waldo Emerson and to create a better, healthier life for myself and my family.

9 responses to “What is Emerson’s Acre?

  1. marla dukes

    10 years ago I left a small apartment in te city fr a one-acre home out in the country. I have learned to grow a garden (still learning), grow chickens and can food. This winter we are building top-bar beehives and hope to capture a swarm or two in the spring. We live in Florida so the winters are pretty mild for us as for you but it does get cold enough to cover the tomatoes and peppers which we have growing now. My husband built a greenhouse and I have planted herbs-It’s nice to see that other people are doing the same thing. I look forward to your future posts. marla

  2. Goatman Dave! I could not find an email address, but thought you might want to know that the link to your Blog from your facebook page does not work! I would not want visitors to not be able to discover Emerson’s Acre!

  3. Thanks to Granny.. I’ve found your blog.. Looking forward to reading your posts!! xo

  4. Where is Goatman Dave? Simply stopping by to say hello… alright, I admit I am worried! Hoping all is well at Emerson’s Acre and that you are so busy with a great summer filled with projects that there is no time for the keyboard. Happy summer.

  5. Pingback: Of Plans and Purpose | Emerson's Acre

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